How To Get Free Twitch Viewers : The Easiest Way
Video games are a passion instead of a pastime, for many young people all over the world and many avid gamers make a living out of it. Professional gamers have been taking part in gaming competitions around the world and earning money. However, gamers are now rushing to Twitch like moths to a street lamp.
Owned by a subsidiary of Amazon, Twitch is an online video sharing platform which allows a gamer to live stream their gameplay and earn from home.
It is a video game lover’s paradise even though the content on the site ranges from podcasts to tutorials and from culinary to chat shows.
How To Earn On Twitch?
The chief earning on Twitch comes from monthly subscriptions to your channels. Thus, more the followers you have, more will be your subscriptions and hence more will be your earnings.
However, followers are not enough as a streamer must first become affiliated with Twitch to demand payment from the platform.

How to earn on twitch
To become an affiliate, a streamer must consistently satisfy certain conditions over a period of time. A streamer should stream on different days for a considerable amount of time to be considered serious by the site. One should also reach a minimum of 50 followers and obtain an average of more than 3 viewers per stream.
Getting 50 followers is not a big deal but one must put in a lot of effort to get high average views to one’s streams. Views like followers translate to popularity and consequently to income on Twitch.
Attract Viewers To Your Twitch Channel
Attracting viewers to your channel and keeping them engaged to your content is a mighty task in and of itself. Views, thus, are so sacrosanct on Twitch that new streamers are always looking for easy ways to get them.

Attract viewers on Twitch
Well the easiest, albeit ill advised, way to earn views is by using view bots. Bots, however, are banned on Twitch and any user found using bots will be subsequently banned from the platform as well. Stay away from bots!
There are platforms on the internet, such as TwitchFollowers, where you can legally buy views or even get them for free. Twitch Followers is a trusted site and strictly follows Twitch’s regulations. Here streamers can buy views or earn them via credits for free.
The site employs real people and pays them to view or follow different channels.
To begin with, just visit and log in with your Twitch account. If you don’t have one already, then sign up and you’re good to go to start getting free Twitch viewers.
How to buy Twitch views
Visit the site above and log in using your username and password. Once logged in you can check out the ‘Viewer Dashboard’ option on the left navigation pane. The dashboard shows your current credit, money value, and the required credit.
It also informs that you need at least 20,000 credits, worth $20, to request a payment from the site. The site has set a payment threshold so as to discourage fraudulent use of the platform. Read on to learn more about how you can get credits.
Shopping For Credits
Buying credits is the simplest way to earn credits and you can find the ‘Buy Credits’ option on the top of the homepage as well as on the left pane.
Click the option and you will see a new page showing the various values of credits you can buy. There are two categories- the gamer credits range from $10 to $75 in price while the mega gamer credits start from $150 and ends at $1000.
The site supports PayPal as the sole method of payment. Once you have the credits then you can buy views for your channel.
How To Get Twitch Followers Credits For Free
There is always a way to get things for free and channel views are no different. If you are unwilling to spend money on credits then you can earn them for free by just viewing or following fellow channels on Twitch.
Click on the ‘Sponsored Follows’ on the left pane on the Twitch Followers homepage. This will lead you to a new page where different channels on Twitch are listed.

Sponsored Twitch Follows
Useful information regarding the channels is also mentioned below them, thereby providing you with a better idea of the content and popularity of the channel.
Follow channels you like and you can earn about 25 to 50 credits, or even more, depending on the streamer.
You can also earn credits by sponsoring views. Click the ‘Sponsored Views’ option and it will take you to a new page where channels are listed.
Click the ‘View’ button below the channels you find interesting and you will get 20 to 50 credits per view. You have to regularly view the channels for a substantial amount of time to make yourself credible.

Sponsored Twitch views
The number of credits you get for following or viewing any channel is listed below each channel. Upgrade your account via one time payments to earn ten times the credits you usually earn.
Putting The Credits To Good Use
Once you start to earn free credits by following or viewing channels, your objective will be to reach the payment threshold of 20,000 credits.
Having done so you can either exchange the credits for cash or you can keep on increasing your credits. The ideal way to use the credits is to buy free views for your Twitch channel.
If you want to buy channel views then click on the ‘Buy Channel Views’ option, and a new window pops up. You can select the number of channel views you want and the number of credits you will pay for each channel view.

Buy Twitch Channel Views
You need to select a minimum of 10 channel views and pay at least 40 credits per view. By choosing to buy viewers you are asking the site to pay real people, even fellow streamers, to view your channel.
Many streamers also use credits to buy Twitch followers. To do so, click on the ‘Buy Followers’ option and create a new follow sponsorship by choosing the number of followers and the credits per follow.
To Wrap It All Up
Dedication is the key to success and it applies when it comes to Twitch as well.
Whether you are following channels or viewing channels, you must do so with dedication and patience. Invest your time judiciously and your income can reach the magical six figure mark everyone dreams of.
The post How To Get Free Twitch Viewers : The Easiest Way appeared first on TwitchFollowers.
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